Make wandb ignore files for a project
What is WandB
WandB is a handy tool to visualize training process as well as cross-validate hyper-parameters. One thing wandb do is it automatically uploads all files in
. However you only get 100GB for free, and when you save a lot of checkpoints, videos, images, it’s easily become full.
While I know we can just create another folder to save our large files, but I kind of like how wandb name each run, so I still prefer saving to
. (and sometimes it took too long to upload all files…)

The official doc very briefly talked about how to ignore files for your project, but there is not demo files, I did some research in their source code, and found the steps.
- Create a file named
- Edit
, both lines has to be exactly like this and for globs, each file should be comma separated, no extra space in between. e.g.